New Generation        formaldehyde-free      daylight fluorescent pigments

A New Generation of formaldehyde-free, fluorescent pigments with significantly improved light fastness and heat resistance compared to conventional, formaldehyde-containing fluorescent pigments.

This innovative range of daylight fluorescent pigments offers intense fluorescence and outstanding stability in solvent and waterborne formulations.

Its carrier is based on a hybrid-resin technology developed specifically for paints, printing inks, rubber, PU, PVC, olefins, aerosols and other applications where high solvent resistance and improved thermal stability (240 °C / 280 °C ) are required.

For applications in waterborne formulations we recommend the formaldehyde-free ARAQUA-10 daylight fluorescent pigments due to their higher color strength and better compatibility.

The ARAGEN-10 range of fluorescent pigments has a particle size of D50 = 4 – 7 µm.

In their end use application ARAGEN-10 pigments retain particle size and shape. In order to obtain clean intermediate color shades it is recommended to blend only with neighboring shades.

Brilliance and fluorescence (under UV light) can be increased by adding ARAGEN-199 UV BLU also reducing color strength.